Girls Leadership Training – Day 1

The Girls Leadership Training at Janapriya Higher Secondary School has officially started!

After lunch the three groups of 20 girls and two EWN staff members went to different classrooms to learn some interesting new facts about communication. Together they figured out different ways to communicate and also realized how and why communication can go wrong sometimes.

Later, everyone met outside to play soccer. Even though it’s quite hot and humid in Pokhara these days, most of the 60 girls were unstoppable once they got into the game. All EWN staff members were thankful for their new whistles that helped them minimize the chaos.

It was a great way to start off the GOAL- programme and we hope that the girls at Janapriya Higher Secondary School stay as enthusiastic and interested for the upcoming 7 months!

To learn more about the GOAL- programme/Girls Leadership Training, read one of our recent articles:


Some pictures of an afternoon filled with activities and fun:




ausschnitt soccer DSCN7014ausschnitt soccer 2





ausschnitt goalie

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